Publicerad: 19 april 2024

Huvudinnehåll start

EU citizens who wish to vote in the European Elections

Here you can find out about the rules that apply to you as an EU citizen regarding the European Elections on 9 June 2024. If you wish to be added to, or removed from, the Swedish electoral roll, you must notify us by 10 May at the latest.

In order to vote, you need to be on an EU country’s electoral roll

If you are an EU citizen and you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, you can choose whether to vote in the European Elections in Sweden or in your country of citizenship.

Since you can only vote in one country, you need to fill in a request form: either to be added to the Swedish electoral roll; or to be removed from it. If you wish to be added to, or removed from, the Swedish electoral roll, you must notify us by 10 May at the latest.

EU citizens resident in Sweden have received a letter from the Swedish Election Authority

In March 2024, the Swedish Election Authority sent an information letter about the European Elections to all EU citizens who are listed in the Swedish Population Register. This letter was sent to the address currently recorded in the Swedish Population Register for each individual. The letter also contains a form to register for or to be removed from the Swedish electoral roll, depending on whether you are already registered on the Swedish electoral roll or not.

If you are an EU citizen and you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, but you do not have a form (if you have recently been listed in the Swedish Population Register or have lost your form, for example), you can use one of the forms below instead.

The form to use if you wish to vote in Sweden

If you are listed in the Swedish Population Register and wish to vote in Sweden, you must request to be added to the Swedish electoral roll by filling in the form below (Blankett Anmälan till den svenska röstlängden för val till Europaparlamentet 2024). You will then remain on the Swedish electoral roll until you request to be removed from it.

Blankett Anmälan till den svenska röstlängden för val till Europaparlamentet 2024, ifyllnadsbar (in Swedish) Pdf, 196 kB.

You must send the form to your County Administrative Board. All postal address details are available at Select your County Administrative Board from the drop-down menu. You will find its postal address at the bottom of the page.

County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsens webbplats) (in Swedish) Länk till annan webbplats.

Please submit your form in good time. It must be received by 10 May 2024 at the latest in order for you to vote in the European Elections in Sweden on 9 June 2024.

The form to use if you wish to vote in your EU country of citizenship

If you are on the Swedish electoral roll, but wish to vote in your EU country of citizenship instead, you must request to be removed from the Swedish electoral roll by filling in the form below (Blankett Utträde ur den svenska röstlängden för val till Europaparlamentet 2024). You will then be added to the electoral roll in your country of citizenship.

Blankett Utträde ur den svenska röstlängden för val till Europaparlamentet 2024, ifyllnadsbar (in Swedish) Pdf, 187 kB.

You must send the form to your County Administrative Board. All postal address details are available at Select your County Administrative Board from the drop-down menu. You will find its postal address under “postadress” at the bottom of the page.

The County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsens webbplats) (in Swedish) Länk till annan webbplats.

Please submit your form in good time. It must be received by 10 May 2024 at the latest in order for you to vote in the 2024 European Elections in your country of citizenship.

Instructions in other languages on how to fill in the forms if you wish to vote in Sweden or in your EU country of citizenship

Instructions in other languages than Swedish on how to fill in the form for registration to (if you wish to vote in Sweden) or removal from (if you wish to vote in your EU country of citizenship) the Swedish electoral roll in the 2024 European elections. This applies if you are a citizen of a EU Member State other than Sweden.

Instructions in other languages on how to fill in the form for registration to or removal from the Swedish electoral roll

You can only be on one country’s electoral roll

If you are added to the Swedish electoral roll, the Swedish Election Authority will inform your country of citizenship. You will then be removed from that country’s electoral roll, since you can only be on one country’s electoral roll.

Electoral rolls in other EU countries

The Swedish Election Authority cannot answer questions regarding other EU countries’ management of their electoral rolls. If you have any questions about voting eligibility or the electoral roll in your country of citizenship, please contact the relevant public authority in that country.