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Media information about following the vote count during the 2024 European elections

When the polling stations have closed on 9 June, the staff working there will start the preliminary vote count. The final vote count by the county administrative boards will begin on 10 June. You can follow the results of both the preliminary and final counts on our website: val.se.

The European elections will be held on 9 June in Sweden. On election day, polling stations will be open between 08.00 and 21.00. This is how you follow the vote count after the polling stations have closed.

Follow the vote count on val.se

Preliminary results will be presented on election night

The preliminary vote count begins at the polling stations at the close of voting: at 21.00 on election day, 9 June. You can follow the results of the preliminary vote count on the Swedish Election Authority’s website, val.se, from 23.00: when voting has closed in all EU countries. The Swedish Election Authority determines the provisional allocation of seats between parties on election night.

Follow the results of the preliminary vote count on election night here (in swedish) External link.

The preliminary vote count continues on 12 June

On 12 June – the Wednesday following election day – the election committees will count the ballots that did not reach the polling stations on election day. While the main focus during the Wednesday count is on counting the advance voting ballots cast in other municipalities during the election weekend, the late ballots received from abroad are also counted.

Votes are counted for the various assembly districts, instead of the electoral districts, to maintain voter secrecy. The preliminary results from election night are updated continuously during the vote count, and you can follow them on our website: val.se.

Follow the election committee’s preliminary vote count here (in swedish) External link.

The final vote count begins on 10 June

On 10 June – the Monday following election day – the county administrative boards start the final vote count. The county administrative boards then count and declare the votes for all participating parties and specific candidates. The final results of the European elections are expected to be determined approximately one week after election day.

Follow the results of the final vote count here (in swedish) External link.

Timeline: results reporting on election night

Preliminary vote counting starts at the polling stations at the close of voting on election day: at 21.00 on 9 June. The Swedish Election Authority will not present any results on election night until voting has closed in all EU countries. This means you can follow the preliminary vote count from 23.00 Swedish time on 9 June.

It is not possible to predict what time the electoral districts will report their preliminary results on election night. The Swedish Election Authority will determine the provisional allocation of seats between parties when a sufficient number of electoral districts have reported their results.

Seats are normally allocated on a provisional basis when the distribution of votes is initially presented on the Swedish Election Authority’s website, val.se. Sweden will have 21 out of 720 seats in the European Parliament (after the 2024 European elections).

The preliminary results do not include votes for specific candidates

The preliminary election results include only the votes for the parties expected to win seats. Votes for specific candidates are neither counted nor reported during the preliminary vote count. The results of the preliminary vote count provide an initial indication of the election results.

The election results can be updated until they have been finalised

During the final vote count by the county administrative boards, the votes for all parties that have notified their participation in the elections – as well as votes for specific candidates – will be counted and reported. The county administrative boards also assess whether or not each ballot is valid. During the final count, all votes (i.e., ballot papers) are checked and counted several times. Corrections may be made at this stage, and voter registration errors may also be detected.

The final results of the European elections are presented when all the county administrative boards have completed their final vote counts and the Swedish Election Authority has reached decisions on the allocation of seats and the appointment of members of the European Parliament and substitutes, and determined the election results.

Until then, the distribution of votes is updated on a continuous basis. The final results of the European elections are expected to be determined approximately one week after election day.

Preliminary and final election results

Distribution of seats

Media services: results files

The Swedish Election Authority provides election results files in real time on its website, val.se. These are available for access and disclosure to the media and all other interested parties.

We also give a number of media outlets the opportunity to sign a service agreement with us regarding election results files. We aim to complement the results presented on our website as well as providing a service to the media. This increases the Swedish Election Authority’s capacity to present the election results in the event of any disruption.

The provision of this media service requires administration and manual processing by the Swedish Election Authority. We can therefore only offer this service to a limited number of media outlets. These must be national media outlets that are able to reach a large proportion of the Swedish population.